Wednesday 29 January 2014

Capital city

What is the capital city of Italy?

Grade 7 Assembly

Well done to the Grade 7's on performing the first assembly of the year.  It went very well and I am so proud of you guys!  Our assembly was about New Years and all the resolutions the children decided to make...most would like to improve their school work and better themselves overall....besides Thashen who would just like to not annoy his mom so much:) I will be watching and making sure you guys keep your resolutions!! I will speak to your mom about you keeping yours too Thashen!!

Remember our theme song....I want to "see" you guys ROOOOOOAAAAAR!  Perform to the best of your ability and show the rest of the school what you are capable of!! xx

Welcome Grade 7's of 2014!

This is going to be an awesome year!  I can just feel it!  Welcome to all the Grade 7's, particularly Telisha who has joined us this year.  She has fitted in perfectly with our group.  We look forward to welcoming Gabriel next week too.